Saying no to people you care about can be really hard.
If you keep people-pleasing, you will continue to…
Have a never-ending to-do list
Be everyone’s go-to for everything
See other women doing it all and wonder why you can’t
Run yourself ragged
Never have time for the things YOU want to do
You’re ready to learn to say no to others and yes to yourself.
You work your ass off all day and still have a full to-do list. Your calendar is overflowing. You’re being pulled in a thousand different directions.
Sound familiar? You’re not alone, and there IS a solution!
Imagine a life where you aren’t…
On the go from morning to night with zero break
Saying no only to back peddle later
Getting 5-6 hours of sleep a night
Too tired to enjoy your life
Just wishing you had time for your own goals​
This life is possible for you - and my guide will get you started!

I am a BADASS at saying no without fear or guilt…
and I can teach you how.
Becky Upchurch is a Clarity & Mindset Coach who blends practical, easy-to-implement strategies with mindset hacks to help drive change. After overcoming a lifetime of people-pleasing, it’s now her mission to help as many women as possible learn to say no without fear or guilt - so they can say yes to themselves.